Brand With Podcast
By Ivan Estrada
We found 1 episode of Brand With Podcast with the tag “personal brand”.
Tracy Matthews - Daydreaming to Find Success
April 19th, 2022 | Season 1 | 33 mins 52 secs
2008, authenticity, brand with, brand with ivan, brand with ivan estrada, brand with podcast, branding, branding expert, business, business advice, business mindset, challenges, change, confidence, creatives, creatives rule the world, economic crash, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, estrada, growth, ivan estrada, latino podcast, marketing, marketing expert, passion, personal brand, pivot, potential, reaching potential, tracy mattews, tracy matthew’s jewelry, winning
Tracy Matthews discusses her entrepreneurial journey with Ivan Estrada, from critical moments and lessons she learned as she grew up to essential decisions she had to make as a young business owner. Tracy Matthews tells Ivan Estrada about how her Jewelry business pivoted over the years, leading her to face many new and unforeseen challenges. However, Tracy explains the lessons she learned and the growth she experienced during those times through each challenge.