Alec Stern - America's Startup Success Expert


August 3rd, 2021

35 mins 30 secs

Season 1

Your Host

About this Episode

Alec Stern is America's Start-up Success Entrepreneur. His business career starts when in 1997 when he and two colleagues created Constant Contact, a marketing platform for small businesses. Eighteen years later, after Constand Contact IPO-ed, it was acquired for 1.1 billion dollars. After that, Alec became a serial entrepreneur and investor, helping companies find extreme success with his winning formula. As Alec continues to invest in different startups, he performs keynote speeches and speaks at major business conferences to help those beginning the journey he has already successfully completed. Tune into this episode to hear what Alec has to say about building a business, being an entrepreneur, and the current state of online marketing.

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